Dr. Holger Mölder (Tallinn University of Technology – TalTech) co-organized a workshop panel with Dr. Camelia Florela Voinea (University of Bucharest) in the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Joint Sessions, held between April 20 and 22, which counted on the participation of other MEDIATIZED EU partners: Dr. Tetyana Lokot, Dr. Anastasia Deligiaouri and Dr. Alessio Cornia.(Dublin City University), Dr. Katrin Nyman-Metcalf (TalTech), Dr. Sonia Boulos and Dr. Ana Perez Escoda (Antonio Nebrija University), Dr. Lilla Toth and Dr. Gyorgy Lengyel (Corvinus University of Budapest), and Dr. Maria Raquel Freire (Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra). The workshop panel was titled Producing cultural change: how political populism and extremism can influence the development of international political and security environment? Abstracts can be read by clicking here and the full list of presentations, below.
The section was composed of round-tables and presentations as follows:
20 April 2022
– Roundtable: The impact of cultural change in political studies. How may the
ongoing Ukrainian war affect it?
– Value Maps and the Dynamics of Political Participation: A Prospect on Computational Political Culture. Camelia Florela Voinea.
– Developing global security market: challenges of the neo-Hobbesian security environment. Holger Molder.
– Russian strategic narratives disseminated during COVID-19 aiming to influence and increase radicalization in the political sphere in the EU and to destabilize the security environment of the EU. Vladimir Sazonov.
21 April 2022
– When regional becomes European: a comparison of populist approaches to the refugee crisis. Alexandru-Ionut Dragulin
– Right wing populism in a time of climate change A critical discourse analysis about climate change communication of political actors and its further implication. Mirjam Gruber.
– The rise of Eurosceptic populism in Estonia after the EU accession. Holger Molder and Katrin Nyman-Metcalf
– The impact of populist discourses on elite views, media coverage and public perceptions of Europeanisation in Ireland: a historical overview. Tetyana Lokot, Anastasia Deligiaouri, Alessio Cornia.
– Spanish and Hungarian media discourses. Sonia Boulos, Lilla Toth, Ana Pérez-Escoda, Gyorgy Lengyel.
– Anticipative and Anticipatory Systems in Political Science: A Prospect on Computational Political Science. Camelia Florela Voinea.
22 April 2022
– Political populism and extremism in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a threat to democracy, trust and mutual respect. Aleksandar Ivanović.
– Breaking Bad: Testing Populism in Terms of Scale and Subcomponents.
Ellen Carrie Byrne, Bartul Vuksan-Ćusa.
– Elections, the pandemic and the EU: A media analysis on populist discourses in Portugal. Maria Raquel Freire.
– Cultural Patterns, Narratives and Political Discourses. Cultural Change and Political Practices. Sergio Ricardo Quiroga.
Conclusions. Roundtable: Future perspectives.