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The MEDIATIZED EU project approaches its final months and holds its Capstone Conference on September 10, 2024, in Brussels and Online. The Conference is titled Mediatized Discourses on Europeanisation: A Changing Landscape and it showcases the key results of our research on mediatized representations of the EU. Check our programme below and join us in Brussels or Online, using the registration link.

The conference brings together engaging speakers and top experts on Europeanisation, media freedom and democratic transformations in Europe.

At the conference, our research teams from Belgium, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Ireland, Portugal and Spain will report on the findings of wide-ranging media analysis, in-depth interviews with political and media elites, and public opinion surveys.

The project team will also provide evidence-based recommendations for EU policymakers on how to ensure a healthy, pluralist and constructive debate about Europeanisation in the European media and public sphere.

Join us for a constructive conversation about our results and their relevance in light of the challenges the European project is facing today. We will be joined by excellent keynote speakers and panellists who will reflect on the changing European landscape.

The detailed programme, as well as a link to the Online conference broadcast, are available below.

MEDIATIZED EU Capstone Conference
“Mediatized Discourses on Europeanisation: A Changing Landscape”
Brussels, Belgium, 10 September 2024


Hybrid participation link: 
Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Location: Brussels Press Club, Rue Froissart 95, 1040 Brussels

09:00-9:30am Registration
09:30-10:00am Welcome:

● Welcoming remarks by Dr Tanya Lokot, Dublin City University, Project Coordinator, MEDIATIZED EU
● Welcoming remarks by Representatives of the European Commission (Research Executive Agency, DG NEAR)

10:00-10:30 Opening keynote remarks
Speaker: Prof Donnacha Ó Beacháin, Professor of Politics at the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University, Ireland

10:30-11:00am MEDIATIZED EU: designing a theoretical framework for analysing media discourses on Europeanisation
Speaker: Dr Lia Tsuladze, Center for Social Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia

11:00am-11:30am Tea/coffee break

11:30am-13:00pm Panel 1 – MEDIATIZED EU Key Findings from Georgia, Estonia, and Hungary and Q&A
Georgia: Dr Lia Tsuladze, CSS
Estonia: Dr Holger Mölder, TalTech
Hungary: Prof György Lengyel, Corvinus University Budapest
13:00-14:00pm Working Lunch

14:00-15:30pm Panel 2 – Key Findings from Ireland, Belgium, Portugal, Spain and Q&A
Ireland: Dr Tanya Lokot, DCU
Belgium: Asuman Kubra Bas & Dr. Thomas Jacobs, ENC
Spain: Dr Sonia Boulos, Nebrija University
Portugal: Prof Maria Raquel Freire, CES

15:30-16:00 pm Tea/coffee break

16:00-17:20pm Panel 3 – Policy Recommendations for the EU: Insights from the MEDIATIZED EU Project and Expert Discussion
Dr Sonia Boulos, Nebrija University, MEDIATIZED EU
Raphael Glucksmann, MEP, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats,
European Parliament [TBC] Jack Parrock, EU Correspondent, Presenter, Brussels
Moderator: Dr Alessio Cornia, Dublin City University, MEDIATIZED EU

17:20-17:30pm Closing remarks