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June 2023


On April 26, MEDIATIZED EU joined forces with the Faculty of Law and International Relations and the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Defence at the Nebrija University, Madrid, to hold a roundtable discussion on the impact of Russia’s invasion and war in Ukraine on the geopolitical role of the EU.

The roundtable was opened by Professor Alfonso López de la Osa Escribano, Dean of the Faculty of Law and International Relations, Nebrija University and chaired by Prof. Gracia Abad Quintanal, Nebrija University. Speakers at the roundtable included Prof. Sonia Boulos, Nebrija University, Prof. Lia Tsuladze, Center for Social Sciences, Georgia, Prof. Tetyana Lokot, Dublin City University and Prof. Attila Melegh, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary. Check it out on our website.

MEDIATIZED EU team meets in Madrid to discuss research progress

The MEDIATIZED EU partners met in Madrid on 27-28 April 2023 to discuss research amid the project’s most intensive data collection and research analysis phase. Project Board and Quality Board meetings were also held on the bustling campus of partner Nebrija University to summarise project progress and discuss the next steps in the project timeline.

Podcast interviews: Dr. Lika Tsuladze and Dr. Tetyana Lokot discuss research on Europeanization in Georgia and Ireland

Our podcast series is back! We have new episodes with an overview of MEDIATIZED EU’s project design, research progress and preliminary results.

In an interview with Dr. Samuel Doveri Vesterbye, Director of the European Neighborhood Council (ENC), Dr. Lika Tsuladze, Executive Director of the Center for Social Sciences (CSS) and Associate Professor at Tbilisi State University, guided us through the project’s innovative research design, her team’s research progress, covering the latest analysis of Georgia’s attitudes vis-à-vis the EU, in episode #3. Click to watch or listen.

Similarly, Dr. Tetyana Lokot, Associate Professor in the School of Communications at Dublin City University and MEDIATIZED EU’s Project Coordinator, explained the DCU team’s progress and preliminary results in Ireland, in episode #4. Click to watch or listen.
For more podcast episodes, with the interviews of researchers in different countries, visit our website.

What have MEDIATIZED EU researchers been up to?

The MEDIATIZED EU teams have spent the last months conducting and analysing the interviews with political and media elites and preparing for conducting national public opinion surveys. Each team interviewed up to 50 individuals, including members of National Parliaments and the European Parliament, members of political parties, government officials and think tank analysts; and chief editors, journalists, columnists, top managers of media outlets in the seven project countries. The teams have been analysing these interviews’ results by integrating Q Methodology and Critical Discourse Analysis, and our findings are very exciting. We will be sharing some of them soon!


The next research stage is the public opinion survey that will be conducted across seven MEDIATIZED EU project countries. The survey aims to grasp the public perception of how media and elite discourses frame the Europeanization process, what people think about the EU and how this is related to pragmatic, identity and sociodemographic factors. This phase is crucial for our project and enables the triangulation between the media representations of Europeanization and the elite and public perceptions of the EU. Stay tuned for our results!