NewsOur Publications TalTech team publishes article reviewing the debate on Europeanization in Estonia The team of the Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), Estonia, published an article stemming from…MEDIATIZED EUDecember 13, 2023
NewsOur Publications Researchers of the Center for Social Sciences in Georgia publish article on ‘de-Europeanization’ Dr. Lia Tsuladze, Executive Director of the Center for Social Sciences (CSS), in Georgia, and…MEDIATIZED EUNovember 21, 2023
NewsOur Publications MEDIATIZED EU research is published in issue of Media and Communication edited by Ana Pérez-Escoda and Tetyana Lokot MEDIATIZED EU researchers have published some of the early findings from their research in a…MEDIATIZED EUNovember 2, 2023
NewsOur Publications MEDIATIZED EU researchers publish article on human rights narratives in Spain MEDIATIZED EU partners in the Universidad Nebrija - UANE, from Spain, published an article in…MEDIATIZED EUAugust 22, 2023
NewsReports & Interviews MEDIATIZED EU researchers analyze the latest Eurobarometer results The European Commission released the results of Standard Eurobarometer 96 in April 2022. While many…MEDIATIZED EUJune 27, 2022